Mixed emotions.
Despite that fact that I had an awesome day here in Venice, I am brought right back down to earth with news of all of the horrific going-ons in what is left of New Orleans. It looks like a third-world country and I am having trouble understanding why hardly any action is being taken to recitify the situation at hand. Is it because the people that are stuck in the superdome are the poor black people and the government doesn't care about them? What the f*** is going on? It seems seriously messed up. When I first saw the footage of the damage and the corpses lining the streets I was on the ferry from Greece to Venice and I started crying because I had no idea the situation was so bad. It looks out of control and was such a shock for me to see. Any new news regarding the situation? Are they going to get the remaining thousands out of the dome or are they going to leave them there until they all rot and die? I feel sick to my stomach.
I want to write about all of the good things in my life right now, but I just don't feel that it would be appropriate given the current situation. So I will continue to pray for them because what else can I do ... Meanwhile, know that I am happy, healthy, and safe. I am continuing to have an amazing time and I will post on what I have been up to sometime hopefully in the next couple of days. I have recently been to the fair city of Verona and also to Venice, where I am now as I type this entry. I really love Italy. We still have yet to travel to Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands before I make my way home from Amsterdam on the 14th.
Love and miss you guys,
I want to write about all of the good things in my life right now, but I just don't feel that it would be appropriate given the current situation. So I will continue to pray for them because what else can I do ... Meanwhile, know that I am happy, healthy, and safe. I am continuing to have an amazing time and I will post on what I have been up to sometime hopefully in the next couple of days. I have recently been to the fair city of Verona and also to Venice, where I am now as I type this entry. I really love Italy. We still have yet to travel to Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands before I make my way home from Amsterdam on the 14th.
Love and miss you guys,
Prayers are a wonderful gift. We feel the same despair here (Arizona). I don't have money to send, but my husband is going to help with the hands-on effort. They say money is the bast way to help right now, so if you are in the position to do so, I'd say contact the Red Cross. Keep praying. Sincerely, Julie
4/9/05 16:13
hey, thris here. thenew orleans disaster truly is terrifying. loloya is accepting 300 students from Tulane and Loyola New Orleans. I talked to Lucy, who is thankfully safe in st. louis, and tried to persuade her to join us in the chi-town, but she only needs specific music classes. At least you and Lucy could keep each other company in the good ole STL. I miss you my crazy curly vegan gal.
5/9/05 22:16
Hey corey. I knew you'd be just as upset as I am right now. I'm home in St. louis for the semester since I can't get into my beloved New Orleans. It's terrible, and I've been crying just about every day. I can't wait till you get home because we can have a good cry together, and make trips to Columbia and Chicago and (maybe) still hit New Orleans if it is possible. I can't wait till you're back, but I hope the rest of your trip is wonderful and fun. Don't even for a second feel bad about how much fun you're having. (although, I feel guilty too just for having a home in St. louis.) You have a great time, and enjoy your vacation while you can.
We can sulk together later, but you have fun NOW! :) Gimme a call when you can play!
Lucy Gossett
7/9/05 12:34
Hey Lucy! What a relief to hear from you; I'm glad you're all right. I'll be back in StL in a week ... I'll call you then. Talk to you soon!
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